Here’s to You

“Love is patient, love is kind.”~ 1 Corinthians 13:4 (NIV)

I noticed recently that my patience is not what it once was. Nowhere is this more evident than when I’m in traffic. I find myself talking aloud (to noone) “Seriously? What are you doing?” or “The light doesn’t get any greener!” I’m in the car alone, noone to hear me, except me.

The Bible verse above is commonly read at wedding ceremonies. Many people understand that verse in the sense of romantic love, but God means so much more than the love between spouses. It’s about love for others, even those with poor driving skills.

I took it a step further this week and began to wonder what it would mean to apply this verse to how I treat myself. Am I patient when I don’t succeed at something? Do my inner thoughts speak kindly of myself?

This New Year’s Eve, my son, Eric, and I brought in the new year, like many, at home in our pajamas. God had given him a huge victory the day before so I stopped at the store on my way home from work and picked up some bubbly (for us that means sparkling white grape juice!) We toasted to Eric, the success of his company in the New Year, and thanked God for His hand in all of it.

When we were done “clinking” our red Solo cups, Eric offered up a toast of his own. He toasted to me and told me how proud he is of me that I never give up. He went on to say that he knows I get discouraged but that no matter what I never stop trying. Needless to say, he brought tears to my eyes.

He sees in me what I often don’t see in myself. When I “fail” at something, I tend to be very hard on myself. I don’t recognize my own perseverance. I am impatient with my lack of progress and my inner thoughts are less than kind. Who can relate?

I am so blessed to have a son who reminds me to be patient with myself. A son, who points out the little victories in my life that fuel me to persist. As children of God, we are all blessed to have a loving Father who is patient with us. He doesn’t constantly remind us of our shortcomings and failures, but rather, continues to love us despite them.

These past months have been trying for all of us. It is important now, more then ever before, to be patient with ourselves, kind with our inner dialogue. Many things in life take more than one attempt to get right. Somethings we may never accomplish, but that doesn’t mean we should ever stop trying.

So, here’s to you in 2021! May you pick yourself up, shake off the dust, and press on, knowing that you are loved. My prayer for all of us this week is that we are patient and kind to ourselves (and also to the less than perfect drivers we encounter!)

Be blessed and be a blessing!

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