
Everyone has a story to tell. We all have had mountaintop experiences in our life, as well as deep valleys that we dredged our way through. Sometimes they were mutually exclusive of each other, but more often than not, they happened simultaneously. The culmination of these experiences is what makes us who we are today.

While I don’t personally know many people who “embrace” the valleys, I have been privileged in my life to know people who recognized those lows as blessings, equal to or greater than, the mountaintop experiences. It is in the valleys of our lives, that we are most dependent upon God. Our faith is tested and we are stretched, but if we endure, we come out on the other side of the valley, stronger in our faith and closer to God than we were before we began.

In looking back on my own life, I recognize that the most challenging times were the ones that resulted in the greatest blessings. The trials and tribulations have produced in me, a deep abiding faith in God that I know, would not be possible had I not experienced those difficulties in my life.

The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest story ever told. I believe that our own unique stories can, in their own way, impact lives for Christ. Going through trials and coming out stronger can be a life altering thing for us, but we are here for so much more than ourselves. God created us for fellowship. He created us to share one another’s burdens.

Anyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I love to talk. After knowing me for a short time, (sometimes only minutes!) I will openly share some of the deepest moments of my life. I have prayed for years asking God to shut me up, yet, He never has.

Someone once told me that God has filled my mind with lots of words that are just excited to get out and that it’s a beautiful thing! Taking that to heart, I have stopped asking God to silence me, and instead, ask Him to use me, exactly as He made me.

Over the past few weeks, I have been privileged to be part of a small group at my church. We are doing a study based on the book, “One Month to Live-Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life” by Kerry and Chris Shook. The theme of the book centers around the dramatic change in people’s lives when they are diagnosed with a terminal illness and given just a few weeks to live. They begin to forgive and ask for forgiveness, they take risks, and they enjoy things they had been putting off until “someday.” The question that the book challenges us to ask ourselves, is why aren’t we doing those things today? Why aren’t we doing the things we are passionate about?

There are three things in life that I am most passionate about. The first and most important is my relationship with Jesus Christ. My second passion is being a mom to my son, Eric, and the third is writing. I do my best to spend time each day in prayer and immersed in Scripture. I am also blessed with joy everyday as I watch Eric come into his own now that he has graduated from college. I am a Christian and I am a mom.

The one passion I have let fall to the wayside is writing. I believe that God has blessed me with both openness and a passion for writing for His Divine purposes. Writers write and by not doing so, I believe I am wasting the gift God has given me. God does not let a single tear go to waste, and I believe that the events of my life and the life perspective that God has given me through those experiences can be anointed by God to serve others and lessen their own burdens.

It is my sincerest prayer that the experiences I share, the words that God puts on my heart, speak to you, personally, and uplift and inspire you on your life journey.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. I am so thankful I came across your blog and I’m eagerly waiting for the new posts! I’m glad you’ve channeled your passion to do the things of God and impact souls in the process. I pray you continue to have a wonderful time writing!

    God bless! ❤

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