Does God Only Help Those Who Help Themselves?

“When you harvest the crops of your land, do not harvest the grain along the edges of your fields, and do not pick up what the harvesters drop. Leave it for the poor and the foreigners living among you. I am the Lord your God.”~ Leviticus 23:22 (NLT)

The Book of Leviticus is not the easiest read but it is where my current Bible plan has me stationed for the past several days. I keep a journal as I study, and I must admit there is a whole lot of “Sorry God but I don’t really understand this!” written down throughout my study of this book.

Throughout Leviticus, God is meticulous with the details of how the Israelites were to worship Him. From building the tabernacle to sewing the priestly garments, no detail was omitted or left to Moses’ discretion. God was very clear about what He expected from His people.

As I was reading, I found this passage, tucked neatly between all of God’s detailed instructions. It beautifully reflects God’s compassion for the poor and the foreigners among His people. Again, God was very clear, leaving no room for confusion. His direction was to care for the poor among them. It wasn’t a suggestion. It was a command.

There is so much division in our country right now and, sadly, some of it revolves around whether or not, or to what degree, we should take care of the less fortunate among us. Let me be clear, I’m not an advocate of anyone who is able to work, living off the system. The Bible is also very clear about the sin of laziness. I do, however, believe that people, myself included, are sometimes too hasty to offer our judgment rather than our help.

Ephesians 4:28 tells us to work so that we can share with those in need. “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.” (emphasis mine)

People often misquote the Bible as saying that “God helps those who help themselves.” While this may sound like something you would find in God’s Word, it is anything but biblical. In my research I found the most commonly referenced origin was as a motto used by Aesop in one of his fables, “Hercules and the Wagonner.” In this fable, the wagonner kneels down to pray to Hurcules the Strong, who responds to his prayer by saying “the gods help them that help themselves.”

Whatever its exact origin, the concept is clearly not Biblical. The Bible teaches us the exact opposite about God. He doesn’t require us to “help ourselves” or clean up our act before before we can come to Him seeking forgiveness and salvation. He does for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

There are always people around us in need and with the economic hardships resulting from the pandemic, I only see those needs becoming greater in the days ahead. Are there people who take advantage of the system and the generosity of others? Absolutely. But, as Christians, we are not given the task of weeding out the righteous from the unrighteous. That judgment is for God, and God alone.

During His earthly ministry, Jesus always showed compassion and took care of the tangible needs of the less fortunate. He didn’t sort through the 5,000 men on the mountain and only feed the “deserving.” All were in need of nourishment and He abundantly provided fish and bread for every single one of them.

I’m glad that my Bible plan led me to Leviticus. While my journal is filled with many question marks, this is one verse that I can easily understand. I am so thankful that God does not give or withhold blessings from me based upon what I deserve. If He did, my life, and the life of every Christian, would be very different, both now and for eternity.

I encourage you to pray with me this week for the poor and needy and for those who have been economically impacted by COVID-19. May we be slow to judge, and quick to offer our hand and the hope of Jesus.

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